Raftr Support: August 27 Update


  • Polls can now have custom responses via an “other” option, if the creator enables that; and it’s now possible to view responses on a poll before voting if you (or your alias, for ProUsers) created the poll
  • Introduced a contact tracing solution, for communities who enable it
  • Some fixes like chat notifications opening directly the the chat message and some error message text updated to be more clear


  • Polls can now have custom responses via an “other” option, if the creator enables that; and it’s now possible to view responses on a poll before voting if you (or your alias, for ProUsers) created the poll
  • It’s now possible to add career info on your profile – during onboarding and on the edit profile screen
  • Added more options to create Posts in contextual screens throughout the app
  • Enabled offline access for some content
  • Introduced a contact tracing solution, for communities who enable it
  • Some fixes like chat notifications having correct text and options to remove ban/restriction on raft members working from those lists in settings
  • Note: It is also now possible to have different registration options per persona (ie: students could have auth codes and staff email)


  • Polls can now have custom responses via an “other” option, if the creator enables that
  • ProUsers now have a new Announcements page (near profile) to be able to create new announcements, view and edit scheduled announcements, and view already published announcements
  • Introduced a contact tracing solution, for communities who enable it
  • Some fixes like chat notifications opening directly the the chat message and updated some text to be more clear in some prompts and error messages

Want to learn more? Book a quick 15 minute call with one of our Raftr Specialists.